Wednesday, October 29, 2008

welcome to my Sunday

I enjoy my Sunday mornings. I like Saturday, too, but that's variable. Sunday, though, is almost always the same if I'm in town.

I get up early and get to the gym for my workout. Maybe swing by the grocery store to stock up on a few things. Home by 6:00 a.m. and settle down with the paper and a cup of coffee.

I read the paper cover to cover (toss out the ads and coupons). I skim just about everything: job section, real estate, even sports.

By then it's almost 8:00. Time for my weekly run to the local Target. I get there when the doors open (and before they turn on the annoying shopping music) and pick up my weekly bargains, making sure to check the dollar bin before embarking on my excursion. I keep a running list all week of Red Bullseye Buys, so I know what I want. Of course, I occasionally veer into a department not on my list, but hey, it's supporting the local economy, right?

I'm home by 9:00ish or so and the Spousal Unit is finally stirring. We head out for breakfast at the local spot, the Windmill Cafe (open 4am to 2pm, breakfast and lunch all day -- so to speak). It's a cinderblock building over by the FabCon factory and you have to know the secret entrance because the city goofed 'em up and changed the road. It's the sort of place where Regulars have a mug on the wall with their name on it and it seats about 30 if everybody sucks in their gut. I usually get #8, although I have been known to go with the Turkey Commercial if we get there late.

If it's summer, we head over to the Farmer's Market after breakfast and check out the offerings. If it's winter, we head for home. Sometimes I drop off the Spousal Unit and head out for more shopping, or a bit of antiquing at a store nearby. But usually I get home, do some gardening (summertime) or light the fire and write by the fireside (winter).

Ah, Sunday. The one day I have to rest -- I know, it doesn't look restful, does it? But to me, having free time to do the things I enjoy is a gift. No schedule, no phone calls, no deadlines. Just a long Sunday morning with all the time in the world.

Bring it on!

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