Sunday, June 10, 2007

As the blog churns, Maggie's part

Paula thought about hiding, but what good what that do? Her mother had a key. The door knocker rapped out an imperious six times and then the door opened.

"Look at you. Just look at you." Her mother flitted across the room at hummingbird speed, reeking of sugary sweet perfume. "No wonder you can't keep a man. You should have thrown that sweatsuit out in the 90s."

"I happen to like this sweatsuit. It's comfy."

"And your hair. Why is it three colors? I swear it looks like you haven't bathed or picked up this place in days. We're going to have to work overtime to get Joel back."

"Who says I want Joel back? He turned my cat against me and made off with my prize fern. If you want to help me, let's steal my fern back from him."

"The fern?" Her mother leveled her a furious glare. "How the hell am I going to get grandchildren from a fern? Can't you hear your biological clock ticking? Tick tock."

"That's your clock ticking, not mine. And I'm not so sure Joel was good sperm donor material after all."

"What do you mean? He was perfect. No physical defects. Employed. And he liked me."

If only that were enough. Paula chewed her lip. Did she dare tell her mother about Joel's problem?


Okay, we're reading for the next player!


1 comment:

J L said...

Loved it -- can't wait to see what happens next!