Saturday, April 14, 2007

Blog like there's no tomorrow ...

Maggie and I are off to Sleuthfest later this week (me via plane, Maggie via car, to rendezvous in Miami Beach), and I (the Topic Maven) will not be back until late next Sunday, so you girls are on your own -- if I can come up with a topic in amongst the excitement of Sleuthfest, then I shall post late next Sunday or whenever the Muse strikes ... if not, just blog on, good friends, blog on...

Lynne, you must be getting ready for RT -- excited? Are you visiting LS as you had planned? Is this your first trip to the US? Judi, how's the contest going? Angela, how's the book progressing? Donna -- you've finaled in some contests -- any word back from the final judges? Maggie -- aw, heck, I see you on the loops, I know what you're doing

Where does the time go ...?


We're deep into the New Year, and ... what about goals? Have you evaluated yours for the year? Did you set some? Are you re-evaluating them? We're 1/3 of the way through the year (where does the time go?)

How's it going? Are you satisfied with your progress this year? Do you have specific things you want to accomplish for the remainder of the year?

Blog on, good friends, blog on ...


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