Monday, April 6, 2009

Publishing storm

Have you experienced that sensation of the light being thinner when a storm is on the way? When I tell my husband that, he looks at me like I'm crazy. I can also smell rain coming; its a faint scent on the precursor winds of a storm.

Right now I'm in that calm before a publishing storm. I know something is fixing to break for me. I can feel the electricity snapping in the air. It's out there but it hasn't reached my shore yet. The wait is killing me!

My plans for this summer are to write, write, and write some more. I'm still waffling a bit as to whether to stay wholly in mystery or to keep up with my romances. I've started queries with my new mystery and I'm editing the sequel. After that, anything could happen.

I'll be touring the net with my pals from Sweeter Romantic Notions, doing a few guest blogs and some local appearances. I hit 3 conferences in January/February of 2009, so my conference budget for this year is tapped out. Hopefully this will resolve as income floods through my doors!

Maggie Toussaint

a fresh new voice in Southern Fiction

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