Monday, June 30, 2008

Free time? What's that?

Free time. Hmmm. Free time. Yes, I have heard of that. No, I don't have any. In fact, I could easily spend another four to five hours a day doing promo for my books that I have out now for at least six months.

*Miniature fairy on shoulder bounces up and down. "You're not answering the question. What would you do with four to five free hours a day."*

Okay, okay. I will come up with an answer. That's what we writer's do anyway, craft a fictional tale so that it becomes real.

Free time. FREE time. Free TIME.

Nope. Not getting any easier.

I know. I'll make a list of the things I wouldn't do. I wouldn't do more housework or gardening. I wouldn't learn to sky dive or take a submarine ride. I wouldn't invent the cure for cancer. I wouldn't cook dinner every night.

Maybe I'd try to help people more. My Mom is still trying to find out what became of her father. The last record she has of him is from the 30's. I could send cards to everyone on the church's sick list. I could mentor a child at the local elementary school. Oh. Wait. I know. I'd go to yogi school to deepen my understanding of yoga.

That's what I'd do. *waves hand at paragraph above* All of that.

And, yes, it has crossed my mind that I am carrying on a running conversation with myself. That's what happens when you have NO free time.

Happy Summer everyone!

In For A Penny - out now in hardcover

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