Monday, March 24, 2008


I can't read the word "anticipation" without remembering Carly Simon's song, Anticipation. I start singing to myself Antic-i-pa-tion, antic-i-pay-ay-shun... And I'm off to somewhere other than where I should be.

Music has always been a great portal for me and I enjoy the places songs take me. But to stay on task with what I'm looking forward to this year, its June 18. That's the day my hardcover mystery releases from Five Star. That's the day I've been waiting for since I signed that book contract in Dec. of 2006. In For A Penny, recently reviewed by Kirkus Book Reviews, is the start of what I hope will be a long run in my Cleopatra Jones series.

What else does June 18 signify? I'm hoping that it will bring a calmer, more rested Maggie. With my other books being online ventures as well as print, it will be something of a relief to only have a new print book to promote.

My more distant benchmarks include a late summer mystery conference, a fall mystery conference, and a winter romance cruise. In between now and then, I need to polish up more books for submission.

Prior to June 18, I have 3 festivals, one garden party, and two writer conferences to attend while promoting my romances. So you can see why I'm looking forward to that mystery release; it will give me time to catch my breath and settle into a new routine. That of mystery author.

Happy Spring everyone!

Maggie Toussaint

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