Monday, March 5, 2007

March marches on - but does Maggie?

March is underway and so am I, but I'm not sure where I'm headed. I've missed some things lately. Some things I've shown up for early - in one case an hour early, in another a week early. Clearly not all cylinders are operating properly!

Todays post is about 3 things.

First up is my work-in-progress, No Second Chances, a romantic suspense that I'm targeting for The Wild Rose Press. This story pits a corporate shark and a softy horse rescue farm owner against a faceless corporate takeover. (Okay - I know that needs some work but it is early in the morning!)

Item 2 on the list is about my life-in-general. That can be summed up in a nutshell - hectic! Marketing one story and working on another is more than doing two things at once. Its like when you add that second child and things get exponentially more complex. This is a good problem to have. I am not complaining.

And lastly, my goal for March - actually my goal to finish my WIP is mid-April. I'd like to have No Second Chances sitting on an editor's desk before I start the rounds with conferences in late April. I guess my goal for March is to schedule a little sanity back into my calendar!
Keep on reading!
Maggie Toussaint
House of Lies, ISBN 1601540310

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