Sunday, January 14, 2007

TA DA! Maggie's here!

Hmm. All about me!!!!!!! You'd think I'd be an expert on this subject, but when it comes to promo and marketing, I'm still in training wheels. I think a visually handicapped person (is it politically incorrect to say blind these days?) would have more success than some of my bumbling around in cyberspace.

Here's my take on the online marketing: You've got to offer something people are interested in, and the more appealing you make it, the more people who bite. I've been trying to garner reviews from reviewers and authors, and I've joined what seems like a gazillion loops. My first thought was to blast them all at once with "TA DA! Maggie's here!" But that quickly became overwhelming as some of the sites get more than a hundred posts a day. Yikes. So I scaled back that plan, and I'm tackling the market a corner at a time. Today I sent promo and excerpts to Romance Junkies Readers.

I've scheduled an author chat day on Jan 27 at Sweeter Romantic Notions. That's a small group and it seems very friendly. Maybe if that goes well, I'll go bigger. My publisher has me slotted to chat (with 2 other authors) at Realms of Love on Jaunary 29 at 9 pm.

I tried to join EPIC (both Lynne and JL are already members) but the #$#%$% computer wouldn't let me, so I sent EPIC a separate email explaining that I was technically incompetent and would they please let me in the cool club anyway.

I'm struggling to find contest ideas that are "me", and I need to settle on promotional products. I applaud authors who do this so effortlessly. Honest to gosh, I'm the square peg trying to fit in the round hole.

And, I'm trying to keep moving forward on the WIP. Not an easy task with so much going on.

Thanks. Did I say thanks yet? I meant to start off with thanks. I couldn't have gotten this far without help, and I greatly appreciate all those helping hands.

Brain freeze is about to set in, so I'm going to go have some homemade vegetable soup. That should rejuvenate me!

Until next week, Maggie

1 comment:

J L said...

Hey, I tried to join EPIC, too, and couldn't. I could never get into the member area and I asked to be added to their *#(@%$# listserv or online group and never got added.

It was ANNOYING AS HELL. I tried for about a month to get into the Member area -- paid my dues, etc. The membership kept saying 'it was a setting on my computer'.

I tried 4 -- count them -- 4 computer and had 3 friends try from their computers.

No go.

I'm pretty fed up with EPIC, so I don't know if you're missing anything. I mean that literally -- I don't know if you're missing anything because I don't know what I'm getting for my membership money.
