Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Procastination ... can be fun ...

Hmm those words to a somewhat famous song from "Hair", the one that begins with "M" and has to do with self-pleasure ... (don't want to get caught by the Blog Police).

I have 2 favored methods to procrastinate, and they're not as productive as Maggie's:

Video games. And another book.

Video games: I have my Nintendo DS close at hand and whenever I'm stuck in a paragraph, phrase, etc., I reach for it and have fast game of Bubble Pop, Crystal Balls, or Mahki. Sometimes I go for Brain Age or Zelda, but I'm stuck at Level 2 in Zelda and it's frustrating not to get past that level, so it's been gathering dust.

If I want to procrastinate starting a book, I start a different book. Case in point: I'm almost done researching/prepping for my Oz book but I'm reluctant to start. So I've switched to prepping for Leap of Faith, my second Delmorna book (first book contracted to Wild Rose and in final edits). I figure I'll start one or the other -- or the third book for Resplendence, which I'd like to get edited. So I may add that to the mix. My goal? All three books done by the end of the year.

You heard it here second (I already blogged about this elsewhere, sorry).

That's it -- now sing along ... procrastination can be funnnnnnnnnn.......

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