Thursday, April 24, 2008

Old week, new topic

I'm traveling this weekend, so thought I'd post early ....

and the topic is travel (again). It's on my mind since I'm out of town 3 out of 4 weekends for a stretch here. Come home, unpack, laundry, repack. Ah, the life of a jetsetter (not).

Last time I asked about an indispensible item you carry with you when you travel. Do you have any superstitious things you do before or during travel? Any good luck charm, travel routine, or travel tip you'd like to share (besides "don't drink the water and carry lots of tip money", that is).


Back on Sunday night. I'm in town next weekend then out again to a conference. Then out of town the following weekend, then in town, then out then ...

Thank goodness for my Palm Pilot, who manages my schedule.

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