Monday, February 12, 2007

Organized smorganized

I used to highly value organization. I had a color coded system, clear desktops, and electronic clarity. I had folders for everything. Then I got a little backed up, and my life started feeling like Lucille Ball at the chocolate factory -- the product keeps coming at me faster and faster and there's nothing I can do about it.
Sometimes life is like that, coming at you head long. So I had to adjust from my everything mode to my mode of covering the essential stuff - which is the day job. I have to keep track of my newspaper appointments. So I use the Outlook messaging system to send me notices. But I also have backup: A monthly calendar by my computer and a weekly calendar that I print out each week that's my working timesheet.
That's about as organized as it gets around here. I have stacks for various projects, and an old laundry basket for already written newspaper stories. Someday I'll sort through the pile and save the good stuff.
Once upon a time I tried the PDA route, but it didn't work for me. I wasn't faithful enough about keeping it up to date. The computer calendar works for me because I'm always here staring at it!
Until next week! Maggie Toussaint

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